
Consultancy services

Our consultancy services are provided to a wide range of customers across sectors and industries. In past and present engagements we have supplied market research services for many businesses and organisations, amongst which:

  • Aurizon
  • Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (SA)
  • Department for Education and Child Development (SA)
  • Great Southern Rail
  • HomeStart (SA)
  • Medicare
  • Motor Accident Commission (SA)
  • SA Country Fire Services
  • SA Tourism Commission
  • SA Police


OfficeReports is used by a wide range of market research companies and professionals internationally, across industries. A selection of major international clients:

Logos of international customers - Nielsen, IPSOS, YouGov, Gfk, Deloitte and ISS


City of Copenhagen reporting times reduced from 3 weeks to a day

Logo of City of CopenhagenOfficeReports has enabled The City Council administration of Copenhagen (Denmark) to make significant savings in the reporting time of their employee satisfaction survey. The Council carries out the survey twice a year, and generates 70 PowerPoint reports each time the survey is undertaken. Before the City was using OfficeReports, producing these reports took seven staff three full weeks. In 2009 the organisation decided to start using OfficeReports in order to produce the reports in a more efficient manner.

The reports are now produced in only one or two days, by three to four staff members. Before using OfficeReports, a lot of time was spent on manually resizing axis on charts, and copying and pasting of charts that were produced in Excel into the PowerPoint reports. Aside from significantly improving efficiency, automating most of the reporting has also resulted in higher accuracy of the reports due to reduced chance for human error. The council saved not only on reporting time, but also on time spent on quality control. The time that is freed up can now be used towards writing the content of the reports.

Market research consultancy Marketminds increases efficiency with 90%

Logo of MarketmindsBefore using OfficeReports, the Marketminds consultancy team found that for some reports a lot of work went into manually copying and pasting tables, adding bases, and applying correct weighting and formatting. Because of the amount of time that was spent on this, the work was tedious and human error was unavoidable. The introduction of OfficeReports at Marketminds resulted in a much more efficient way of working. The Office plugin allows the team to create tables and charts in the exact format needed, and automatically updates the output when the data is changed or updated. The software even allows base figures to be included in the reports, saving a significant amount of manual work.

The introduction of OfficeReports streamlined reporting processes at Marketminds, taking away tedious a significant amout of manual work, and reducing time spent on quality control. The company has found that the software has created the greatest time savings for ongoing and tracking research. For these types of projects, OfficeReports allows market researchers to create a report and with one click add a new wave of data. The software adds the data to all tables and charts in a report, updating all the relevant information and adding columns and bars as required. Overall, the team at Marketminds now spends less time on making sure the output has the right format and content, and more time focussing on the insights that can be derived from the data.

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